Registration Form

Sorry. This form is no longer available.

DEADLINE for registration: Monday, January 4, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (NO EXCEPTIONS)

If you cancel prior to that date entire fee is refundable with a $50 processing fee. After that date, it is non-refundable. All clients who complete the program, work with one of our agents to purchase a home and close, fee in the amount of $125.00 will be refunded at closing, so the course will be free. If the class is cancelled due to Dickey’s Properties, your fee is refundable.


1. By mail:
Mail registration form and deposit to - Della M. Dickey, Dickey’s Properties Leasing and Management, 3385 Bailey Avenue, Suite 102, Buffalo, NY 14215.

2. Online:
Go to our web page under the rental portal, fill out the registration form and submit the fee in the amount of $125.00.

3. In Person:
Dickey’s Properties Leasing and Management, 3385 Bailey Avenue, Suite 102, Buffalo, NY 14215 (716) 342-2007.
By signing this registration form, I verify that I understand the conditions of the agreement and authorize the payment.